Penguins Give Me Happy Feet!

Hi-dee-ho, time to go.. laugh and giggle and play in the snow…

original designs by JGoode at myJGD.comHave YOU seen Happy Feet? It’s the newest family film.. a much anticipated piece of entertainment on our family list. Happy Feet is a dance-tastic, musically fun, computer animated comedy from GEORGE Miller featuring penguins… singing and tap dancing penguins. Wooo hoo, and you know WE love penguins!

Although the film opened in US theaters this past weekend, we haven’t had the opportunity to experience the fun just yet. reports Happy Feet to be this week’s box office leader and gives an overall grade of B.

The Australian predicts “Happy Feet is on track to become the most popular Australian film”

If you’d like to read up a bit more on this fabu flick… don’t assume is your destination. As it turns out, is a shoe company, which, by the way, is featuring a fun penguin inspired contest in partnership (so it seems) with WBMovies…

Instead, check out movie info at – here you’ll also find a cool webcam of the Baltimore Maryland Zoo penguins, Free Hallmark e-cards, movie trailer and more.

Hop on board the Happy Feet mySpace

Looking for more penguins to feed your habit? check out the fabulous penguin doodles by yours truly… penguin lover garb for everyone 😀


[tags]penguin, happy feet, movie, jgoode[/tags]

A lil' buzz about a penguin

😀 pass it on!!

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”313″ width=”431″ /]

If you giggle, tell your friends 😀

if you cant see the flash above, click here

[tags] penguin, jgoode[/tags]

The Votes Are In!!

And the winner is…. drum rollllll

The Penguin now can stand proud and no longer run nameless. Jo Penguin is the newest member of of the JGoode Designs collection.

Check out all of the submitted names
, visitor comments and which names were the favorites.

thank you everyone for your penguin naming 2 cents.

Hip Hip and a big One Red Paperclip T-shirt HooRay!

So about a week ago, the penguin became a part of an elborate scene as my contribution to the project. Kyle challenged anyone listening to come up with a t-shirt design to represent the story. So I sat down and doodled…

Heres a small version of the image:

JGoode Design's One Red Paperclip T-shirt submission.

Now get this coolness…
Today, to my surprise, I discovered the made it to the winners circle.

NO WAY!!! ( I really did say)

I think I reloaded the page at least 10 times to make sure it wasn’t some funky typo. Sure enough, every time the page loaded, The Penguin was still surfin’ along on the page. So just to make sure I haven’t gone crazy, check it out for yourself.

Cool huh?!!!

I’d like to thank Kyle for the opportunity to expand my horizon as far as creative thinking goes. It was a blast of a project to work on, and I had a load of fun creating the design… but better still, it’s a huge huge rush, to work on something with no known outcome and then be surprised with such a happy Hooray!

I’d also like to thank everyone for lovin’ the penguin… (that includes YOU, right now).
absolutely loves YOU too!

i Love penguins

More about One Red Paperclip

tags:[tags]penguin, jgoode, one red paperclip, t-shirt, artist, doodle[/tags]

Post the Penguin

So I have a challege for you today… grab the image below and post about the penguin. Post on your blog, on your site, in an email to your friends.. Post on your profiles or post in IM. Heck if you wanted to you could probably print it out and just post on your desk.

Link to:
Make sure to include the tag “POST the PENGUIN” and comment here so I know you’re out there… ya never know, you might inspire my next Penguin Blog. Goes Live

The New JGoode Penguin site has officially been launched…

JGoode Designs has recently released a new cartoon character. The public is invited to participate in naming the newly created penguin representing the collection.

Castle Rock, Colorado July 18, 2006 Colorado

Designer/Artist Jen Goode, of JGoode Designs, has released a new cartoon collection of penguin personalities. Each funny penguin is dressed in a costume which represents a different interest, sport, activity or personality. Each “personality” designed to fit various “people personalities”.

“I try to create designs that represent who we each are, what we love and what we enjoy to do most.” – JGoode

In addition to the new cartoon character, an interactive website was launched to introduce the penguin and invite the public to get involved in naming the character.

NameThePenguindotCom.jpgName The Penguin ( officially opened July 18th, 2006. challenges visitors to suggest a name, vote for their favorite name and comment on names submitted by others. Live updates, an email mailing list, as well as “send-a-friend” additions allow visitors to get their friends and family involved in Naming the Penguin.

“It never occurred to me that the penguin actually needed a name. Yet, so many people have asked me what the name is that I thought maybe I should ask them back. Each penguin personality inspires different people in different ways. I decided it would be best to find out what the public thinks it’s name is… so here I am, asking for input.” – JGoode

Open public participation will end August 15th, 2006.

Voting and name submissions are available now by going to the Name the Penguin website at:

The original JGoode penguin began as a single, confused looking bird “doodle” illustration. After 6 months of playing with different ideas, the funny bird has been expanded to what is now a growing 50+ personality collection and 2000+ product catalog.

JGoode Designs ( ) offers an online store where the penguin character may be purchased. Each personality is available on t-shirts and novelty gifts, and patrons may also request their own personalized penguin.


[tags]Penguins,JGoode Designs, Cartoons, Unique Gifts, Name the Penguin[/tags]

Meet the Affiliates

affiliatePenguin.jpgThe Penguin made its first official public appearance in Orlando this past week.

July 7-13 I was attending for the second time this year. Hundreds of affiliate marketers mingled with merchants from around the world. The penguin popped it’s head early at the event, featured on a magnet designed by yours truly (JGoode).
After 4 days of networking, listening, and learning, I walked away with piles of new ideas and great new friends.

I attended the January Affiliate Summit, held in Vegas, with the goal of learning about the industry. I had no idea what I was doing there nor what I would take home with me, I just knew I wanted to know more.

I met many great people who eagerly filled my head with excitement for this growing industry. I had such an excellent experience that I returned for the next event held in Orlando the second week of July.

This time, I went with the idea of introducing myself, my doodles and maybe my brand.

I came home with a new insight of myself.

The penguin magnet was my promotional star, my “brilliant” idea for hollering “here I am!”. It accompanied information about as a company and the . All items were carefully packaged in a cute little “Goodie Bag from JGoode” with an addition (of course) of candy. To my surprise (why I was surprised, I still haven’t figured out) the reaction was always, “cool…” scope out the bag for a moment, “OH YAY, Smarties!!”.

Little handfuls of such a simply classic treat seemed to open the door to a number of conversations. I chatted with top professionals about an array of topics ranging from basic marketing techniques to personal experiences that brought them into the industry. Not all conversations began with the penguin nor due to the free treats. However, that little “extra step” of showing up with something to give with nothing expected in return… that one act, I believe helped my attitude and confidence to approach the unknown.

Since I’ve been home, I’ve been able to stop and pull out all the information I crammed into my brain. I am sorting through, trying organize and apply what I’ve learned. Most importantly I am reaching out to explore areas of marketing I was previously intimidated to consider.

The knowledge I gained through the experiences and people at the Affiliate Summit have given me a new direction to follow. I have a clearer vision for where I’d like to be and how I’d like to get there. I would not, today, be inspired by these great ideas of “where to go from here” had I not been at this event.

What started out as a fun – give them a cute penguin magnet – has turned into a “promote the penguin” plan.

Wow, how I love when things surprise me!

[tags] Penguins, Affiliate Summit, Affiliate Marketing, Penguin Lover Gifts, JGoode, JGoode Designs [/tags]