I am all about art and art education and art for the sake of just being creative for 37 seconds. So when I was asked if I could help out with an art show at the Ellen Browning Scripps school in San Diego, I jumped up at the opportunity. The school’s mascot is a penguin, so it was a perfect fit
I created 575 mini buttons and sent them to California this past week.

Each button had a picture of my penguin as the art penguin with the words “creativity is something wonderful” written above. Then, I put each button in a mini jewelry bag and included a card that said…
“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” ~ Edgar Degas
“I Believe there is an artist in us all. How or what you choose to create is entirely up to you. I’ve created drawings, paintings, photographs, sculptures – big, small and much more. My favorite creations are always those that remind me of a special moment. My life is my art and my art is my life. ” ~ Jennifer Goode • jgoode.com
I spent a few days putting all this penguin fun together, but when it was all done and said it was SO worth it. I was sent some of the most wonderful photos in return. Kids and their art and art by the kids and just art every where. I Love it! It’s so fantastic to me to see what results from a little creative inspiration. Amazing, really amazing.
The art show’s theme was “Thumbs Up for Art”.

The event committee also created a penguin (With my written permission of course) big enough to allow all the students to add their thumb print, creating a group masterpiece. The result was a terrific pointillism penguin.

Check out this wonderful art created by the students…

A special thanks to Tara for asking me to be involved in this fabulous event… thousands of miles away, yet I had a delightful time!
note: these event photos are courtesy of and used with permission by the original photographer.