I Love my kitty

I would love my kitty if I had a kitty… instead I have kids, a husband and a whole pile of fuzzy laundry. Come to think of it, there might be fuzzy food in the fridge too, but that’s kind of off topic here.

Back to cats… despite the allergic reaction I have when coming within yards of most cats, I’ve always loved how cute and cuddly they look as kittens and how elegant and graceful they become as adults. I wish people would always follow the same process.

This doodle is available on a variety of I love my kitty gifts and goodies as well.

Ending the week with a little love

A design I created in 2005 yet it still holds a spot in my top 10 list. I’m quite fond of the vintage/aged style of design and daisies have always been a favorite flower. So, this design has a special place in my heart. It’s the message of love lasts… the kind of sentiment I like to see spread around a bit.

Monkey see monkey doodle

Here’s my take on the old cliche of “Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil“… with a monkey twist. I love the bubble gum the best!

I always figured, why should they just sit there looking bored? That’s silly… if they aren’t going to have anything to do with rule breaking the least they can do is be cool and self entertained.

Thank you to all the Veterans

Today is Veteran’s Day and I just want to say… Thank you! (With a little penguin love.)

Veterans Day Penguins by JGoode
Military themed designs by JGoode

My family is full of military history and dedication, mostly through the Air Force. When I was really young and my dad was active duty, we lived on base – I always thought it was so cool to see so many uniforms all around me. The military police were my favorite and I was sure I would be one at some point. When I was in high school my family moved to Fairfax, Virginia and while we were there we made a point to visit all the locations honoring our history and heritage. I’ve seen the Vietnam Memorial Wall, visited the National Cemetary and experienced the ceremony for the Tomb of the Unknown soldier on Memorial day. At one point I even began the process to enlist myself. However, things change and always happen for a reason, so instead I’m here as mother of 3 and no military experience of my own.

There is so much appreciation I have for our countries men, women and their families who dedicate their lives to serve our country. Thank you.

Sign of an artist

I truly believe everyone is born with artistic traits… how they use them throughout their life is where the difference can be seen.

Here is an early sign of true artistic interest:
sign of an artist

It’s blue stamping ink… maybe she really just wanted to see what it feels like to be a Smurf.

Reason 15 to live in Colorado

Autumn sunset. How many places have you seen such amazing colors at sunset? This photo doesn’t nearly do the scene justice. The sky was a rich blue while the sunset was filled with golds, oranges and pinks.

Colorado sunset by JGoode

This photo was taken on my way to Boulder, heading looking west on Highway 36. I wouldn’t recommend taking pictures while driving.

Ever feel like you're losing your mind?

I almost forgot to add an image for the day. The weekends get so darn busy sometimes I feel like I’m losing my mind, or if my head weren’t attached, I’d forget that too. Then when I do remember whatever I forgot or I get to where ever I’m scrambling to go, I look back and it’s so simple – really did I need to stress so much? So this visual comes to mind…

Losing my Head - JGoodeJust stating the obvious.. that’s all.

Stamp collecting fun

November is also stamp collecting month sponsored by the United States Postal Service so today’s image of the day are a few of my own stamp designs. In elementary school I collected stamps for a bit. My 6th grade teacher was the group leader for our school stamp collecting club so I checked it out. I love it! It was so cool – I like imagining where the envelope had been or come from – how far the stamp had traveled or how old it was. I haven’t designed nearly as many stamps as I’d like, but I do have a handful of JGoode stamps you can collect.

Stamps by JGoode

I personally haven’t continued my stamp collecting, although I still have my books and a box of the tiny treasures. To me stamps are like little piece of art we can share.