I didn't know I needed the break

Every now and then I get in a productivity slump and I can’t seem to shake it without becoming a complete slacker. I end up feeling like there are road blocks all around me. No matter how many brilliant ideas I have written down or flowing through my mind, I can’t seem to motivate myself enough to accomplish them. At these points, I just have to stop and walk away for a bit.

Last week was on of these times. I kept going to bed with the thought “tomorrow I’ll get things done”. I’d wake up with a list I wanted to start with and then within an hour I’d be side tracked – doing not much of anything. I did a lot of nothing it seemed like – yet I was busy all day, every day. By the end of the week, my whole plan was skewed, my to-do list was untouched, but my mind had gotten enough rest I was able to handle the unexpected challenges that landed square on my shoulders.

I don’t fight these downtimes anymore. I’ve learned that it’s usually my subconscious winning a battle I didn’t know I was fighting. Some other quiet side of myself has been taking notes and remembering that I need to stop pushing the clock as much as I do… constantly. It’s like having a co-worker right next to me nudging me to take a little break. We all need that helpful hand once in a while.

We’re more productive if we work in spurts. I tend to find myself in a rhythm and I want to run with it, keep going full force, so I do. Yet, I’ve found that if I try to continue this drive once one direction is completed… my next round of projects aren’t always as great or my enthusiasm isn’t always . If I stop and divert my attention to something less important or just take a break all together, I can jump in refreshed for a new project much more prepared to accomplish great things.

Taking a break

I don’t always remember to stop when my mind needs it, but, thankfully, my body seems to.