Seriously, who does it?

I frequently check out the “new cool” whatever. Yes, I tend to see something and *consider* downloading it. But rarely, and I mean realllly rarely to I actually read the full “terms of service” legal jargon re-repeating itself in 12 paragraphs in 4 point type.

However, I just ran across a banner for a new fun “thing” being provided by… Zwinky. So I clicked.. looks fun, looks entertaining – which means I’ll be bombarded with “mom can I download it” within mere weeks.

A Zwinky is a “virtual you”, a “tiny me”.. an avatar of sorts. Great little characters one can build themselves and then post all over the place. Neat. I used to doodle little me on my knee.. wow times have changed.
Now, I’m no insider techie. I don’t know what the zwinky software *does*. I don’t know how it does *it*. I could maybe find out if I wanted to dig, but I don’t need to. I DO know anything ever given away for free is NOT just a freebie for fun. There’s always a reason, a purpose and a goal.

I started to check out the terms of service whatever info, see if i could figure out the point. Now, correct me if I am mis-remembering. If I were under 13, I wouldn’t know to read a thing. It I were between 13 and 18, I wouldn’t care about a damn thing to read it.

Yet for this neat new download the service remarks say…

If you are not yet 13, do not download the MyWebSearch toolbar. By using the Toolbar, you represent and warrant that you have the right, authority and capacity to enter into this agreement and to abide by all the terms and…”

If you are at least 13 but not yet 18 years of age, please have your parents or legal guardian review this END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT/PRIVACY POLICY/TERMS OF SERVICES with you, discuss any questions you…”

and then “customer concerns” is at the very very very very bottom.. how considerate.

Bonus, seriously, go through the parent tips WITH your child, if you want to allow them to extra download fun.

At Least the above quotes are at the top, so maybe we can assume that maybe 1% of the kids checking it out will see something of use to them.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always believed very child is born brilliant, and we are the ones that make them dumb. However, they’re also impatient, love fun and fun “thingies”, and at various life stages – uninterested in batting a single lash towards authority figures. Rules are ment to be broken… remember?
I know, the obvious arguement is “you should monitor what your kids are doing online”. Yes, you should. My children sit less than 3 yards from me when they are on the computer. Am I seeing every single click? I don’t see every time they pick their nose either, does that mean I’m not paying attention to their good hygeine?

Why is it there are kid friendly games and sites all over the place, yet there is no true kid friendly environment… advertising with a purpose other than to put some CEO’s kids through college?

Why aren’t there regulations for how sites conduct themselves and what they offer depending on their target demographic?

It can’t entirely be up to the parent/guardian. Have you not walked through Walmart with a 6 year old? Or the cereal with a 3 year old? Kids just like neat stuff, and if its in their view, they *HAVE* to have it (most of them, most of the time – not to generalize or anything).

There is hope… oh ye parents of the world. You know those over priced fruity computers with the funny TV commercials? Yes…. you know, APPLE. Well, maybe of the games and extra add-on do-dads kids can download, but don’t “need” to.. don’t work with a mac (for now). So HA! So my extra 2 cents for the day is, Get a mac, save a brain cell. 😀

Enough from me for today… I have plenty to go on and on and on about, and then you’ll miss lunch. Now we can’t be super heros, without eatting, now can we?

— sorry, no references today, I only found “hey look at cool zwinkies” – no real infos. Hmm Zwinkies, twinkies.. now I need a snack.

[tags]zwinky, toolbars, avatars, kids[/tags]

BeWare the Ware Wearers


In response to recently discovered “did you know” info…

With the many laws, policies and proclaimations of safe surfing as we see posted around the web on a daily basis, it might surprise you to know we are being attacked right infront of our eyes.

There is a craze of facination between community networks and advertisers (both good and not-so-nice) whom have discovered a new medium to market. Online social networking communities such are quickly being saturated by sales pitches of all types.

One of the most innocent appearing, yet most harmful of these ad-posters is the friendly tool sharing buddies.

These are the folks that sign up as a user on sites such as MySpace and pass information as a “friendly freebie from your favorite unknown friend”. The ol’ “hey friend, look at the neat thing I found… and because I like you SOOOO much, I’m sharing it with my *friends*”.

These buddies come in, smiley as can be, invite us (and our children) to indulge in freebies; Free screen savers, free videos for our profiles, share free pics, etc. Meanwhile we download the tools and ignorantly install extra unwanted “watchers” on our computers. In some cases these programs do little harm to our own machine… they merely invade our privacy and follow us around like lost puppies with no leash.

Recently found is a denied, cross excused and pile of fibber-roos between .


Now, one might assume that there’s only one bad guy here (not to point fingers of course)… the so called “friend”. Leaving MySpace as merely the victim of service abuse. WRONG. Just because a company says “excuse me, this here activity is um, against our Terms of Service, and um we don’t like, allow, nor encourage this here stuff”… doesn’t mean they enforce it. Not to accuse or say this is the case in this particular example. However, TOS can and often times does come pretty close to BS for many companies. It’s words; a written policy. Enforcing is an entirely different bag-o-beans, and one must really consider the source of the service and past examples of handling “sticky situations” before believing everything a TOS supposedly stands for.

In this case the story ends with a happy smile. Dispite Zango’s pleas of innocence, they were pulled from MySpace. But this is only one victory, with one company and one *friend*. The story, I’m sure is yet to be over. Content providers claim not to have control over what their users use their content for, and social networks claim to not be able to control what content their users display… do the word problem yourself there.
We as a community, the internet community, really do need to stay on top of the game the bigger boys are playing to ensure our families are protected from *their* profit gaining plans.

Bottom line is, there are “evil-doers” around the web and it is our responsibility, moral duty, or maybe just our parental priority to be aware and be the super heros our kids believe us to be.

Hear No Evil-sm.jpg

SO, with this thought in mind, here are few handy dandy tips…

Note: the following applies to you, the reader, as well as all members of one’s computer usage list — in other words: if you be a grown up and your kids be users… pass this on with anti-chocolate threats attached.

1. Keep an eye on where you visit online, what you’re downloading and what you’re installing. Just because someone is on your “friend list” doesn’t automatically make them your real friend.

2. Don’t just click buttons because they look neat and interesting… “I got distracted by shiny things” won’t pay your computer repair bill nor will it qualify the issue as a warranty use opportunity.

3. Read. Know the source you’re getting your freebies from. Also be aware, sometimes a true friend may pass something your way without checking out whether it’s ok or not… just look and think before you click.

*Basic rule of thumb – if you wouldn’t just open your door and invite the person in to sit down and each cupcakes… don’t automatically assume it is ok for you to click, signup, or otherwise interact with bells and whistles on any website.

Even paid advertising on a well established website can (and has) had issues regarding the security of the clicker. I’ve seen it, I’ve reported it and I’ve watched the wheels churn as one party points the finger at another. — just be careful when you click.

oh YAY! You can share it…(free, without wares)
Now look here… please share this information with your friends and family. You can even send this message without having to click one darn thing.

Help spread the awareness
Say NO to the Tango…

Copy the html below and send it off to as many people as you can.

<a xhref=”” mce_href=”” >BeWare the Ware Wearers</a>

Thanks in Advance for Your Support!

The above article was inspired by these great reads:
YaHoo News,, Digg, Technorati, Internet News, TechDirt

[tags]Social Networking, MySpace, Zango, Adware[/tags]

JGoode at Affiliate Summit – Day 1

I am here in the lovely land of Disney… Orlando Florida.
I arrived just after midnight on Saturday and had only a few hours of rest before the fun began.

Sue ( arrived Thursday and enjoyed a full day of “peace and quite” before Deb and I arrived. We hung out for most of the day Saturday, getting ready for the upcoming event — I had brought supplies for 200 “goodie bags” but only managed to put together 60 of them before the evening festivities began.

Janice (also a Floridian) and Hectic met up with us at the hotel bar where we hung out for about an hour. We then headed to a fabulous restuarant for yummy food and exciting entertainment. The place was covered with artwork.. every style, shape, size and medium… there were also artists actually scattered throughout working on their latest creation, along with various performers and belly dancers.

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Dan (Hectic), Jen (JGoode), DebCp (Loxly), Matt (iloveshirts),
Sue (, Angela (Taylor Hicks), WarrenCp, MinaCp

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Hectic, Deb, Janice

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Deb, Janice, WarrenCP, MinaCp

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MinaCp, Matt, JGoode, Dan

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MinaCp and DebCp

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Dinner At
Cafe TuTu Tango. A fun funky artsy restuarant in Orlando.

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First half of the verrrrrry Long Table.

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More great long table-ness. And check out the art.

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WarrenCP – viewing the drink menu (yes, I’m serious).
— note: we were also eatting appetizers so warren
had just shoved a mini pita in his mouth. 😀

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Hectic, organizer, cab driver and local tour guide.

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Jen and Sue.. YAY!!

I am already having such a great time… making new friends and enjoying every minute.

Unfortunately I did not get a picture of Jessie and her biz partner Craig (but I have a few days.. they’re not safe from the lense yet). — time to go set up, so gotta run. More later.

Super Girl and the Super Clan

Never Fear… Super Girl
is always near! With the new Superman movie due to release this Wednesday, I thought it time that the girls get some props as well. You know, there is a saying “behind every great man, is a great woman”, and I do believe ’tis true. in Pink is an original JGoode Design available on a variety of apparel and gifts perfect for the Super Girls of any age.Add this series to your teen apparel, kids or even your women’s collections for a fun design to kick off the summer.For MORE SUPER Great fun t-shirts, and gifts, check out the MoodTees variety: (another JGoode series)

Super Baby
Super Baby
Super Boy
Super Boy
Super Girl
Super Girl
Super Guy
Super Guy
Super Kid
Super Kid

View more great girly attitude t-shirts and gifts from and Goode Girls.

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Cat Lover Gifts from JGoode

Check out some of the most popular JGoode Kitties and add them to your Cat Lover shops. Great cat owner gift ideas with a bit of a girly flare.Never Too Many Cats

One can never have too many cats. Three cute kitties with big cat smiles. And original design by JGoode available on a wide variety of t-shirts and novelty gifts.
View Available Products

Cat Girl

Retro Cat Girl, a fun funky feline favorite. The purrr-fect goode girl design for all you cat loving girls!
View Available Products

provided by:

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Smilin' Horses

Animal Lovers Rejoice!

This adorable design by Designs is just one of many new creations.

From and Snails to and , JGoode’s pet and collection has a large variety of gift ideas to choose from.

Add a single design line to your current offerings, or an entire section as a whole new collection. It’s up to you!

Check out all of the animal lover gifts and apparel from JGoode Designs

Penguin Parade

Brand new and all original by JGoode.. penguins, penguins and Whooah.. cool penguins. A fabulous collection of unique penguin t-shirts and gifts.

Soccer penguin
Soccer penguin
Hippie penguin
Hippie penguin
Superhero penguin
Superhero penguin
Bride penguin
Bride penguin
Fancy Bride penguin
Fancy Bride penguin
Groom penguin
Groom penguin
Policeman penguin
Policeman penguin
Fireman penguin
Fireman penguin
Best Dad penguin
Best Dad penguin
Graduation penguin
Graduation penguin
2006 Graduate penguin
2006 Graduate penguin
Birthday penguin
Birthday penguin
Flapper penguin
Flapper penguin
Mobster penguin
Mobster penguin
Prom penguin
Prom penguin
Clown penguin
Clown penguin
Debutant penguin
Debutant penguin
Garden penguin
Garden penguin
Fishing penguin
Fishing penguin
Chef penguin
Chef penguin
Coach penguin
Coach penguin
Executive penguin
Executive penguin
Bling penguin
Bling penguin
Geek penguin
Geek penguin
Artist penguin
Artist penguin
Coffee penguin
Coffee penguin
Special penguin
Special penguin
Baseball penguin
Baseball penguin
Bad Tie penguin
Bad Tie penguin
Cool penguin
Cool penguin
Princess penguin
Princess penguin
Red Hat penguin
Red Hat penguin
Bikini penguin
Bikini penguin
Swim Trunk Penguin
Swim Trunk Penguin
Peace penguin
Peace penguin
King penguin
King penguin
Blue Ribbon penguin
Blue Ribbon penguin
Red Ribbon penguin
Red Ribbon penguin
Yellow RIbbon penguin
Yellow RIbbon penguin
Breast Cancer penguin
Breast Cancer penguin
Diva penguin
Diva penguin
Chill penguin
Chill penguin
Easter penguin
Easter penguin
Patriotic Girl penguin
Patriotic Girl penguin
Patriotic penguin
Patriotic penguin
Ghost penguin
Ghost penguin
Witch penguin
Witch penguin
Reindeer penguin
Reindeer penguin
Rudolph penguin
Rudolph penguin
Santa Claus penguin
Santa Claus penguin
Winter penguin
Winter penguin
I Love Me penguin
I Love Me penguin
I Love Penguins penguin
I Love Penguins penguin

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Yo Daddy-O! Get on the Dad Team

Dandy Gifts for Dad.
4 designs to choose from.
T-shirts, Mugs, Novelty Gifts and More.
Get Dad something fun AND useful this year (or offer to mow the lawn).

Darn Awesome Dude Darn Awesome Dude
Darn Awesome Dude, the perfect gift idea for dad for Father’s Day or Dad’s birthday… or any day.

View Available Products

I AM FATHER- Bask in my greatness. A great gift idea for Dad.

View Available Products

Team Dad Team Dad
Team Dad, a fun gift idea for Dad. Father’s Day, Dad’s Birthday, or any day. Join the team… team dad!

View Available Products

Dad - the Great Dad – the Great
Dad – the great, the magnificent, the man with the wallet.

View Available Products

Order now and save 10 bucks. Yes, that’s right.. save $10 if you order by June 11.. use coupon code DES122 during checkout. 😀 Yip yip hooooRay!

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