Packaging.. why bother?

I’ve been reading a lovely book lately, Small is the New Big by Seth Godin. It’s full of little 1/2 – 1.5 page blurbs on a vaiety of topics. Some just random thoughts, some conversation starters.. all are thought provoking.

This morning I woke up to a thought (via this book), about packaging and what it all means, especially in this digital age.

My view is, this is all again in your branding. The perspective you want to represent. The point of branding not being just a name, but a whole perspective of who and what and why and how you are as a business, product, service and person.

Package it all and be consistant. If your product is serious, but your company is light hearted and your personality is lively… package that. People are missing the “old fashioned” approach of real people behind commerce.

So ya got yourself one heck of a great doo-dad. So what? There’s usually 3 more right behind ya that look just as appealing to the end buyer. What makes yours different? Tell me in one sentence or less and don’t make me read.

That’s the trick.

Tell people who you are.

1591841267-01-_AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpgWhile I’m thinking about it… check out the book, it’s a fantastic read.

Small is the New Big

[tags]seth godin, business, commerce,branding[/tags]