Business on the go

This year has been a very busy year for me as far as traveling for business goes. Usually I do all of my work right from home… oh sure, I might move from the office to the kitchen table, to the couch and back again, but my traveling rarely includes leaving the house — this year has been so different. I’m loving the new adventure opportunities.

Not only am I going to various planned conferences and meetings, I am also traveling quite a bit with family and enjoying the benefits of photography and blogging my adventures as a part of my business. So, everywhere I go now becomes a business opportunity. I love my job!

Te Grand Tetons

I’m learning quite a bit about my business traveling skills… they’re nearly non-exsistant. Oh sure, I can pack just fine. I know to bring business cards and clean shirts… possibly a hair brush. However, it’s one thing to travel by yourself, you, a little carry-on and your laptop… maybe a camera. It’s entirely different to be me, my little carry-on, my laptop, my camera bag, my 3 kids, their backpacks and snack packs and plushie poohbear playpacks and my husband, and his gum and books and maps he won’t think he needs…. and our 900 checked suitcases, the rental car and OMG, did you bring the tickets, I can’t find the tickets, where ARE the tickets…. who HAS the TICKETS?!

Bridge in Vancouver BC

“Honey, we’re driving”.

So when I do end up on a trip by myself, I keep doing 360s trying to figure out who I just left or what I just put down that I didn’t bring to begin with. I also found, no matter how well I pack things, I end up taking at least 5 of those little bins, that you put your stuff in, while walking barefoot through security. Eww yeah, I know its barefeet or smiley face socks – you pick. Don’t worry… I strip myself of all belongings in 30 seconds or less. I refuse to be a line holder upper girl. I’m sure I’m quite the site.

I’ve now come to realize, it’s mind boggling how much easier it is to travel in a herd than alone… we can lose our things and our minds together. Not to mention, 12 hands are better than my 3.

I have to say, I am so glad I’m getting out and about this year. I’m meeting more interesting people, that many times have a lot in common with myself, and I’m learning more than I ever imagined. New sights and sounds and flavors just add fuel to my creative fire that is finally starting to burn again.

And… It’s nice to give my brain something to chew on.

More topics for Tuesday…Today is also:

• National Lasagna Day.
• NASA Day. On this day in 1958, President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act which created NASA.
• National Photograph Your Children When They’re Not Looking Day.
• Single Working Women’s Week begins today (

View more photos from our most recent trip

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